June 20, 2022
Littlestone - Friday 17th June
Littlestone was todays venue in the south east of England practically in France as we were picking up French telecom.
A hundred plus field were treated to a 30 plus degree day with amazing sunshine. Our hottest event this year and there was some hot club shots too….
Congrats to Peter hedges HIO on the 6th, a cracking 8 iron!! He then went on to eagle the next hole!! Would you believe that’s our fourth HIO this season!
Todays best dressed was Danny Robert’s and Micheal Winister… great win for them today. Looked very smart.
That’s the end of a hot, long but brilliant week. Thanks to all golfers and who took part.
A hundred plus field were treated to a 30 plus degree day with amazing sunshine. Our hottest event this year and there was some hot club shots too….
Congrats to Peter hedges HIO on the 6th, a cracking 8 iron!! He then went on to eagle the next hole!! Would you believe that’s our fourth HIO this season!
Todays best dressed was Danny Robert’s and Micheal Winister… great win for them today. Looked very smart.
That’s the end of a hot, long but brilliant week. Thanks to all golfers and who took part.
1ST - Neil Thornburn + Nick Thornburn (Golf Escapes Holiday)
2ND - Chris Stephens + Dan Town (4 ball voucher for Littlestone)
3RD - Kevin Hunt + Terry Smith (Mizuno golf bags)
4TH - Barry Smale + Peter Hedges (£200 MGPT Voucher
1ST - Thomsa McGregor + Jesus Zurita (£100 MGPT Voucher)
6TH - Peter Hedges - HOLE IN ONE! (£30 MGPT Voucher)
9TH David Cowling-Cass (Stewart Golf Sponsors prize)
14TH Matt Hurran (£30 MGPT Voucher)
17TH Martin Blake (£30 MGPT Voucher)
Martin Blake (£30 Dock Beers Voucher)
Sarah Lloyd (£30 MGPT Voucher)
Danny Roberts + Michael Winnister (£30 MGPT Voucher)

You can view the full results from our event at Littlestone through this link
If you really enjoyed this event then why not get signed up to another one on the Golf Pairs tour?
You can use code GolfPairsEventBlog10 to get £10 off per person per event on your next booking. ⛳️