June 13, 2022
Matlock - Friday 20th May
Today saw Mizuno Golf Pairs Tour Travel to Matlock Golf CLub in Derby, the course founded in 1906 on undulating moreland terrain provided spectacular views across Derwant valley.
Measuring at just over 6000 yards this was a course for accuracy rather than distance, However greens surrounded by steep banks and patches of heather ensured this was going to be far from easy!
Shot of the day has to go to Ben Stead with his superb iron shot into the 180 yard 15th hole or Evie Clayton's monster drive on the longest drive hole.
WHS Leaderboard:
1st - Jake Harrison + Alan Widdowson (Golf Escapes Holiday)
2nd - Mark Paxton + Robert Fisher (Mizuno Golf Bags)
3rc - Nick Hartley + Lawrence Dibb (4-ball voucher)
4th - Philip Tomczak + Matthew Churchill (£150 MGPT Voucher)
5th - Axel Jennewwin + Mark Peet £100 MGPT Voucher)
Nearest The Pins:
Tommy Nadin (Stewart Golf Umbrella)
Wayne Green (£30 MGPT Voucher)
Chris Payne (£30 MGPT Voucher)
Ben Stead (£30 MGPT Voucher)
Longest Drive:
Evie Clayon (£30 MGPT Voucher)
Lawrence Dibb (£30 Dock Beers Voucher)

If you're interested in playing any of Golf Pairs events or played Matlock, really enjoyed it and have got the Golf Pairs bug then why not join another. You can use code GolfPairsEventBlog10
You can view the full results from our event at Matlock through this link