July 01, 2022
Aldeburgh - Thursday 30th June
Today we were at Aldeburgh golf club!
A beautiful course in Suffolk with No par 5s.
A beautiful course in Suffolk with No par 5s.
A tricky test for todays all male field off the yellow tees in some gusty conditions.
A very traditional golf club with long socks we’re out in full force.
The melon boyz were again in town, Maurice and Kenneth win todays best dressed golfers.
Tomorrow we are back down south on the London outskirts at Orsett golf club.
WHS Leaderboard:
1st - Tony Mardon + Jon Last (Golf Escapes Holiday)
2nd - Kenneth Troup + Maurice Bolger (Mizuno Golf Bags)
3rd - Joseph Koller + Jack Fountain (Aldeburgh Voucher)
4th - Richard Cahmaberlain + Tom Stankard (£150 MGPT Voucher)
5th - Peter Hewitt + David Kenealy (£100 MGPT Voucher)
6th - Gareth Roberts + Malcolm Thwaites (£50 MGPT Voucher)
GolfSahke Leaderboard:
1st - Alex Burnside + Oliver Burnisde (£100 MGPT Voucher)
2nd - Darren Miller + Jame Atkins (£50 MGPT Voucher)
Nearest The Pins:
4th - Rod Powney (Stewart Golf Prize)
8th - David Kenealt (£30 MGPT Voucher)
15th - Richard Chamberlain (£30 MGPT Voucher)
17th - James Atkins (£30 MGPT Voucher)
Longest drive:
Joshua Cottrell (£30 Dock Beers Voucher)
Best Dressed:
Kenneth Troup + Maurice Bolger (£30 MGPT Voucher)
You can view the full results from our event at Aldeburgh through this link